Creatures of Habit and our Golf

Creatures of Habit and our Golf

Creatures of Habit and our Golf

I think it would be fair to say that most of us seek out the comfort of familiarity; it seems part of our natural evolution. It makes sense that we need to habituate or make routines as part of our survival mechanism. I remember reading something that suggested the only way we can become successful was take away some of the familiarity and comfort and test ourselves in new environments. To come out of habit is only real way of challenging ourselves. But does this always apply to our golf?


When it comes to performing well on the course, being comfortable and familiar with our environment can help us perform to our best levels. It has been said and written about many times that having a good pre-shot routine is a great tool to help consistency in our golf. In other words, it helps to bring us back to that familiar place we know we can hit our best shots. So having routines or habits in this way is a good thing.

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If you are playing practice rounds on different courses for upcoming competitions or team matches one of your main aims is to become familiar with your surroundings so you feel comfortable when you are competing, once again it is positive.  However, I think there is a point where familiarity and habit can be damaging to our golf. Not so long ago I was playing a few holes of golf with a mid-range handicap golfer. After hitting his tee shot on the first, a par 4, he said he always hits his next shot with a 7 iron and although he knew it wasn’t nearly enough club he felt comfortable with it. I think this is a good example of someone going into automatic mode around their own course. He will never have the chance of reaching the green unless he steps out of his comfort zone at some point. He may need to do it a few times before he gets success but it will never happen unless he moves away from this habit.

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We also see how habits can impact on our practise time. The next time you pass the putting green have a look to see how many golfers prior to playing are practising with 3 balls, it is a very common occurrence, and yet when we play the game we only use one ball. I’m not suggesting there isn’t a time and a place for practising with more than one ball but prior to playing I think it’s better to become familiar with what’s going to happen on the course.

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Appointments with Paul for golf lessons in Wicklow can be booked via Powerscourt Golf Club Reception: Tel (01) 204 6033 or the Golf Shop Tel (01) 204 6031. Read more about lessons from Paul Thompson by visiting the Powerscourt Golf Club Website.

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