Backswing Shoulder & Hip Move
For the purpose of this article I shall reference the position of a right handed golfer. More specifically I am going to look at the position of the right shoulder and hip going into the backswing.
Rotation as a general move in the pillar of the body is going to provide you with the momentum to help feed the swing with energy, but if we are going to utilise this turn efficiently then it may-be worth looking at having more of a winding up motion. A good way to feel this is in focusing on the right hip or/and the right shoulder as it moves into the backswing.
First of all check your posture as this an important part of the process. Place your feet about shoulder width and stand straight up with shoulders back but relaxed (not like a soldier standing to attention). Find the middle are of your hip bone, around the middle of your trouser pocket and now you need to bend forward from this point. You should feel your hamstrings and glutes stretch. You should not starting bending significantly from your back and not bending your head down at the neck. Now simply flex your knees and take your club in your grip and we can go into a good coiling motion from here.
There is a subtle but important difference between just turning the body and winding up in the backswing. If you look at a golfer’s backswing from a down the line viewpoint you will see that that in a good coiling motion the right shoulder and right hip whilst turning also move on a slightly tilted plane or angle from the ground as opposed to a flatter or more parallel angle with the ground in a less coiling motion. The feeling in the right hip and shoulder when done at this slightly more angled motion is one of greater resistance. If this is sequenced well in the down swing it will help apply more pressure (force) through the impact stage. Try to do both just turning and a good winding up motion to notice the difference.
Another point here is that this type of attentional focus should be done only on the practice ground, it is what I would refer to as workshop thinking. It is not something you want to take to the course as a conscious thought it needs to be progressed into more of an unconscious feeling and this can only be done with a bit of practice.
Paul Thompson has been the Fellow PGA Professional at Powerscourt Golf Club in Wicklow since 1995. In addition to providing coaching on-site he also is a coach with The Golfing Union of Ireland. Appointments with Paul can be booked via Powerscourt Golf Club Reception: Tel (01) 204 6033 or the Golf Shop Tel (01) 204 6031. Read more about lessons from Paul Thompson by visiting the Powerscourt Golf Club Website.